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  JB6 Mini High Temperature Accelerometer
As the inertial navigation standard by which others are measured, KT produces the JB6. It is the smaller outline accelerometer. JB6 features a patented Q-flex& etched-quartz-flexure seismic system. An amorphous quartz proof-mass structure provides excellent bias, scale factor, and axis alignment repeatability. The integral electronics develops an acceleration-proportional output current providing both static and dynamic acceleration measurement. By use of customer supplied output load resistor, appropriately scaled for the acceleration range of the application, the output current can be converted into a voltage. The JB6 also includes a current-output.
1.     Excellent turn-on repeatability performance
2.     Environmentally rugged
3.     Analog output
4.     Field adjustable range
5.  Smaller outline size
Performance characteristics

S/No Parameters JB6-01 JB6-02
1 Range ±20g ±20g
2 Threshold /Resolution 30μg 30μg
3 Bias k0/k1 ≤(±30 mg) ≤(±30 mg)
4 Scale factor kl 1.8~2.8 mA/g 1.8~2.8 mA/g
5 Class II nonlinearity  coefficient k2/k1 ≤±50μg /g2 ≤±50μg /g2
6 0g 4 hours short time stability  ≤40 μg ≤40 μg
7 1g 4 hours short time stability ≤40 ppm ≤40 ppm
8 Bias drift   Sigma k0( 1σ,one month) ≤250 μg ≤250 μg
9 Stability of scale factor  Sigma kl/kl( 1σ,one month) ≤250ppm ≤250 ppm
10 Class II nonlinearity  Coefficient stability k2/k1(1σ,one month) ≤±50 μg /g2 ≤±50 μg /g2
11 Bias thermal coefficient ≤±150 μg /℃ ≤±150 μg /℃
12 Scale factor thermal coefficient ≤±200 ppm /℃ ≤±200 ppm /℃
13 Noise (sample resistance 840Ω) ≤8.4mv ≤8.4mv
14 Natural Frequency 350~800 Hz 350~800 Hz
15 Bandwidth 800~2500 Hz 800~2500 Hz
16 Vibration 5g(20-2000Hz) 5g(20-2000Hz)
17 Shock  100g,5ms,1/2sin 100g,5ms,1/2sin
18 Temperature range(Operating) -40-+180℃ -40-+125℃
19 Temperature range(saved) -60-+200℃ -60-+150℃
20 Power ±12~±15V ±12~±15V
21 Consume current  ≤±20mA ≤±20mA
22 Size  Ф18.2X16mm Ф18.2X16mm
23 Weight  ≤25gram ≤25gram